Philippians 2:3

Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others.

Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

Who can we rely on in today's society to help us get ahead? Only ourselves, right!  Wrong!! It is only when we get our mind off of ourselves that we will be happy, and our life will truly be able to glorify God.  Most people in the world today do all that they do in order to be promoted, often times at the expense of family, friends, others.  People are like hamsters on a wheel, running faster and faster to keep up with the world but never in control of their lives. Today’s society has the mindset of me, me, me, what else can I get for myself.  Many people work and toil from sun up to sun down to promote themselves and to get more, more, more.  I have been there, and trust me, it is a miserable place to be.  Thankfully, I finally realized that it is only when my “who” shifts from worldly possessions and rests firmly in my Lord and Savior that I truly find peace. Ask yourself what you can do for your fellow man instead of being concerned about what others think of you, what car you drive or home you live in, what “toys” you have, or name brand clothes that you wear.  I am here to tell you that when you finally lay down all burdens at the foot of His cross and then take up your cross and follow Him, you will find happiness in all you have, and you will quit searching for more!! There is no more than being happy in the blessings you already have. When we place our “who” in Christ and turn to Him to work through us to fulfill His purpose for our life, it is then that He will open doors for us.  It may not be through any worldly possessions we desire or any promotions that we want, but He will promote you for His glory. I promise, it is a much more peaceful place to be than trying to do it all on your own.  It is a peace and a joy unspeakable, even in the valleys of life that are inevitable.  There is a tremendous peace in knowing that if it is happening to me, He allowed it to be, and He has a purpose and a blessing for me as a result of it.

Lord, thank You that I have been able to get off of the “hamster wheel” that I had been on once upon a time.  Thank You, Lord, that I finally realize that my “who” needs to be in You.  Thank You for helping me realize that all things belong to You, that You can see all, You know all, and that when I arise daily and place my trust fully in You that You will never leave me nor forsake me.  Lord, help me to always be led by You, and that the glory never be for me, but always for You.  Thank you, Lord, for leading me day by day in humility and to esteem others better than myself and in doing so, You my Lord will forever promote me to a closer and closer relationship with You and in blessings unspeakable.  All I ask in Jesus’ most precious holy name. Amen

Written by Donna Shea