Jeremiah 29:12-13

In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

I find such comfort in knowing that the One Who created the Universe not only loves me with a love that is so pure and so deep that I can’t even comprehend it’s depth, but that He is ever present, waiting to guide me every second of every day.  He is truly concerned about every aspect of my life and yours.  When we fully submit everything to Him and ask that His will be done and not ours, there is a peace that passeth all understanding.  The Creator of ALL loves YOU and desires a close personal relationship with YOU.  He wants to walk through every second of every day with you, guiding you along the way.  He wants to be the first thing on your mind each morning as you awake to prepare for your day.  He wants to be the last thing on your mind as you fall asleep at night.  He wants to be with you every second of the day.  I’ve witnessed His faithfulness.  I’ve realized that as I awake each morning and first turn to Him through prayer and bible study, as I fully commit my every member to Him and ask that He lead me second by second all day, that He gives me the wisdom and guidance that I need.  He has always faithfully been there.  I’ve observed His Hand working things out before me, and I’ve witnessed His picking up pieces of messes that I’ve made as I tried to do my will, driven by my impatient flesh.  I stand on the scripture in Romans 8:28 that says God will work ALL THINGS to be a blessing for me because I love Him and I am called according to His purpose.  The enemy does not like anyone who turns to God daily and who asks that God use them to touch lives for His kingdom.  I know that I do not have the strength, courage, wisdom, intelligence, leadership skills, or personality to do the job that He has placed me to do without Him.  However, I do know that as I turn to Him daily and ask that He live entirely through me, that He lead entirely through me, that He show me what to do second by second daily; that He will be faithful to do so.  He knows all, sees all, is everywhere, knows others’ hearts, and He will never cease to lead me and the school district down the right path as long as I allow Him my every member to lead through daily.  Many people say, “I wouldn’t have your job”, “how do you deal with it all”?  I often say, if not for His living through me, I could not.  I have to trust my Savior day to day to work all things out and to lead through me.  I have to cast any worry or any problems that arise on Him and ask that He show me how to deal with them.  When I do that, I can then have a peace in knowing that God has the district, my family, and me in His hands, and He will show Himself mighty with many blessings in all areas.  I’ll always say that any good thing that is done is certainly not of my will or my ability but as a result of my daily yielding to His guidance and it is His hand through me.  He wants to do the same for all.  He desires a very close personal relationship with all.  He is always there waiting for his children to turn to Him.  He loves to have fellowship with us.  The amazing thing is He stands waiting and ready to hear from you.  All you have to do is invite Him into your heart to be Your Savior, the Lord of your life and believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and arose on the third day.  As a result, the Holy Spirit awaits your invitation to enter, inhabit, the “God shaped” space within your being that the world tries to fill with so many material things that just can’t quench the longing.  Then, read your Bible and pray daily.  Pray without ceasing.  Think of the God of the Universe as a kind, loving, and gentle friend that you carry with you every second of every day.  Talk to him about anything and everything.  Pour out your heart to Him and ask that He cleanse you of all impurities and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit.  I promise when you allow Him to come into your life and you invite Him into every area of your life, allowing Him to guide you day by day, you will experience a peace, joy, and happiness that no one can take from you.

Written by Donna Shea