2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

I am sitting in my recliner as I do almost every morning.  I’ve spent quiet time at the Throne of my Father as I’ve poured out my heart to Him writing in my prayer journal.  I’ve read from my Bible as well as a short devotional.  The devotion that I read today was from 2 Timothy 1:7 which seemed to be particularly fitting for where I am right now in my life.  I’m forty years old, expecting a precious little girl, and am scheduled for labor to be induced in two days.  I have three sons and had a full term still-born daughter sixteen years ago.  They induced with my last child and will induce with Anna Kate to help prevent another cord accident due to the close confinement within my womb at the end of the pregnancy.  So, at times, fear grips me as I fail to feel her movements as I think that I should. Although I’ve experienced a very healthy pregnancy, free of complications, my doctor said that the real test would be the process of labor for the “over forty” mother.  Thanks, doc....more fear to have to combat.  My husband and I are so fortunate for him to be able to stay at home and keep our precious angel.  But, we’ve gone from two solid incomes to one and what income he currently has with his growing business.  This requires that we trust God from day to day to meet our financial needs.  I daily watch my two oldest sons struggle with the decisions of life that they must make at their ages; what girl to date, what direction for their lives to take, what major to declare, and the daily decision of “live by the world or cling to God”..I pray for them daily and try so hard to let go and “let God” for fear that I would be too overbearing.  These are just some of my personal fears that I have to let go of.  At work, our district has experienced tremendous budget cuts from the state and stand to experience even deeper cuts next fiscal year.  I must rely on God to give me the wisdom to make the right decisions in order to make it through this year “in the black” as well as to balance the budget for next year.  With my position comes very tough decisions almost daily in every realm of education, I must rely on God for His guidance.  I certainly could not do it alone.  The verse referenced above is so true.  God does not give us a spirit of timidity and fear.  Instead, we should remember that we have the God of the Universe, all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent living on the inside of us.  He gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.  We should immediately put fear in its place when it fleets across our mind.  We should remind the enemy that we don’t have all of the answers, that we are not the strongest, most intelligent, or “all knowing” but that we are a child of the Most High and that He lives within us.  As we daily turn to Him, submitting our every member completely to His service, He will in His lovingly wise His kind and gentle way...He will weave all together to be in our best interest.  He will never leave nor forsake us, and He will patiently, day by day, give us exactly what we need to get by.  We serve an Awesome God...a God of agape love, grace, mercy, and tremendous strength.....a God who wants to give us all the best blessings if only we will fully submit and be led by Him... second by second of every day.  He stands ready and waiting to allay our fears and to fill us with His power, agape love, and self-discipline.  If only we will rise daily and tell the enemy, “No! I will not fear!”, and instead, choose to stand on the promises of God and in His strength.  

Written by Donna Shea