Psalms 23:2

He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.

Peace, complete and total peace, a rest that surpasses all understanding is available for those who fully trust in God. Those who lay all of their burdens down at the foot of the cross and trust our Lord to take care of their every need truly understand Psalm 23:2.  Many people in our world try to take care of their own needs.  They feel that they must “fight” for the promotion. “Fight” for the social status.  They feel that they must work very hard day by day to keep their things, friends, or status until their heads spin, and they become tired and weary.  Friend it is only when we place our “who” in Christ and we understand that we are not to seek “social status” and “material things” and that we should not focus on trying to get more, more, more.  It is only when we fully take our hands off of our situation and entrust all to Him, following God second by second, day by day and keep our eyes on our Savior that we realize that we really can not do anything without Him.  It is when we fully commit our every member to His service and we do everything as unto Him fully trusting our Savior for our promotions and trusting Him to provide our every need.  It is finally then, that we will have the peace that passeth all understanding in knowing that if he clothes the lilies of the valley and provides food for the birds of the air, how much more does He love us and want to provide for our needs (Matthew 6:25-31). As we spend more and more time studying His word, in constant fellowship with Him, and we begin to hear His guidance all the more clearly and remain on the path that He has for us, then He will let us rest in green meadows and lead us beside peaceful streams even during the valleys of our life.  Through any circumstance we can have a complete peace in knowing that He is in total control and that if it’s happening then He allowed it and He must have a purpose for it. 
Lord, thank You that I don’t have to worry about my needs being fulfilled.  Thank You that as I fully put all of my trust in You and follow You daily that You will provide my every need.  Lord it’s so comforting to feel Your presence in my life through the valleys as well as the good times.  I am so glad that I don’t have to fight for my place in this world.  It’s nice to know that all I have to do is get up daily and put my trust in You, and You will take care of everything.  I’ve proved You over and over. I’ve come to realize that as I arise daily and commit my every member to Your service and as I go throughout my day in constant fellowship with You, that I don’t have to worry about anything. Lord I’ve witnessed time and time again, You give me the words that I need, You bring people into my path, and You send funds to take care of needs.  Thank You Lord, that I can fully trust in You, and I can follow you through green meadows and beside peaceful streams.  In Jesus’ most precious holy name.  Amen.  

Written by Donna Shea