Isaiah 55:6

Seek the Lord while you can find him.Call on him now while he is near.

As we earnestly seek our Lord and as we seek to have a closer relationship with Him daily, isn’t it comforting to know that He is right there with us second by second all day long?  He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us.  I have found that the more time that I set aside to spend with Him, the more time I crave to spend studying His word, talking to Him in prayer, and coming to know Him more intimately.  As we seek Him daily through prayer, reading His word, listening to His word, and just being in His presence, the more we will feel Him with us during our day, and the more we will be able to see His hand of guidance within our lives.  I can’t imagine anyone living with the potential stress of life without having Him to “cast their cares” upon knowing that He will take care of everything.  Having a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ does not promise a life free of pain or with finances abundant, but it does promise a peace that passeth all understanding in knowing that He will attend to our every need.  It promises a life with joy in doing whatever we are assigned to do at that time in our life as to the Lord and in committing our every second to Him and doing our jobs as unto Him. In doing this we will have joy, happiness, peace that people living of the world will never know.  Jesus Christ promises that as we draw near to Him that He will draw near to us.  If you are tired of bitterness, resentment, pain, and if you are tired of having all of the burdens on your back and the responsibility of making ends meet and making deadlines on your back, if you are tired of worrying about what tomorrow brings, determine to carve out time daily to spend with our Savior, time to get to know Him more intimately.  You will begin to trust His word. You will begin to trust that He will take your burdens and work all things to be a blessing for you who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  He will begin to open doors that only He could open and to close doors that should be closed within your life.  You will begin to know that He has committed His angels to watch over you that you might not even dash your foot upon a stone unless He allowed it for a purpose.  You will begin to realize that if you are going through hardship and pain, if people are coming against you, that if it is happening to you that He allowed it, and you will be able to understand that if He allowed it, that it is in the grand plan and purpose for your life. He must somehow have a blessing in it for you.  I can tell you that seeking Him daily will result in a close personal relationship with Him and a joy and peace that passeth all understanding.  No worries in knowing that the one Who knows all, sees all, hears all, and is in ultimate control of all is guiding you and has your best interest at heart.  
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for leading me to know You more and more intimately.  Thank you, Lord, that as I arise and spend time with You daily that You draw nearer to me.  It is such a comforting feeling to know that as I go throughout my day that You are right there with me every step of the way and that I can call on You at any time.  You have proven to me over and over that if God be for me who can be against me.  I have witnessed Your strength and courage as You have brought blessings to me as the enemy has attacked me.  Thank You for helping me to have more and more of You and less and less of me as You lead me to yield to Your guidance.  Thank You for all that You do through me and may the glory always be Yours.  In Jesus’ most precious holy name. Amen

Written by Donna Shea